
Dark Shadows
Dark Shadows

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Dark Dreams
Dark Dreams

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DARK SHADOWS (published April 2022)

The heart-rending and dramatic sequel to Downhill.

In 1990, seventeen year old Elaine McCairn was involved in a tragic accident - an accident which took the life of an innocent child, and rocked the close-knit mining community of Castle Ridge. Unable to deal with the venomous accusations and small-town gossip, Elaine moves away and re-invents herself.

Hiding behind a new name, she finds love, and finds success as an author. But the past won’t let her go. And now she’s being followed. Is it all connected?

Will Elaine ever be able to lay the Castle Ridge ghosts to rest? Or will she always be followed by her dark shadows?

**Available in paperback and Kindle formats (see PURCHASE for more details)

DARK DREAMS (first published September 2020 - updated and republished 2022)

A dark and disturbing tale of secrets and lies, with a supernatural twist.

There are too many secrets and lies in the life of young Maggie Braithwaite.

A secret rape.
A very secret birth.
And an even more secret death.
Throw in a few lies to cover things over.
Then go on the road...

But running away is not always the answer. Secrets and lies have a habit of following you – they invade your mind and haunt your thoughts.

They give you dark dreams.

Will Maggie ever find the peace and retribution that she desperately needs to make the dark dreams go away?

Never stop looking over your shoulder, Maggie Braithwaite – your past is always watching you...

**Available in paperback and Kindle formats (see PURCHASE for more details)

DOWNHILL (first published May 2019 - updated and republished 2022)

A gritty drama set in the 1980s and 90s, in the coal mining North of England.

This is no ordinary boy-meets-girl 'Romeo and Juliet'

Brought together by their passion for rock music, kindred teen-spirits Ged and Julie bridge their social divide, fall in love and marry. So far, so good...

However, a traumatic pregnancy and birth of their twin boys twists Julie into a downhill spiral of depression. As tragedy, grief and domestic abuse are added to the mix, Ged and his “Lady Juliet” are pushed into a dark world of secrets and lies.

Secrets and lies from the family.
Secrets and lies from their friends.
Secrets and lies from each other.

But when a serious accident threatens to blow their secret world wide open, family life teeters precariously on the edge of self-destruction.

**Available in paperback & Kindle formats (see PURCHASE for more details)